You want to go to counseling but can’t make it to an in-person therapy appointment because life is too busy and chaotic. Perhaps, you live in a more rural area and driving hours to see a therapist is out of the question. Or maybe you simply prefer to meet with a therapist online.
If you can relate to these statements and feel like it would be too difficult to make it to an in-person appointment right now, then online therapy may be a good fit for you.
Online therapy allows our therapists to provide counseling services to our clients via live video meetings. As a result, therapy can happen anywhere you have a computer or smartphone.
Furthermore, online therapy can be very beneficial if going to a therapist’s office is not convenient. Or, if you just don’t want to see a therapist in person.
We know that many of our clients prefer in-person therapy. But many of our clients have had great success when meeting with an online therapist.
All virtual appointments are conducted through the patient portal.